The V7+ uses the top-end variant in Qualcomm's 400 series,the Snapdragon 450,which uses eight ARM Cortex-A53 CPU cores and Qualcomm's own Adreno 506 GPU. Performance is slightly better than the rest of the 400 series as the SoC handles multitasking and games pretty well. It's not as quick as say,Qualcomm's snapdragon 625 ,which is often seen in phones at this price point,but it's not slouch either. We managed to get 56,637 points in AnTuTu and 33 fps in GFXbench. The phone also gets 4GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage,which is good. Other specification include dual-band Wi-Fi,Bluetooth 4.2, USB-OTG,and FM radio. NFC isn't present but you do get a gyroscope,along with the standart variety of sensors.
Vivo has updated its costum fork of Android,Funtouch OS,to version 3.2 and it is now based on Android 7.1.2. it continues to be heavily 'inspired' by iOS with icons and UI element taken straight from Apple's mobile platform. In the new version,notifications are shown much like they are in iOS.
Vivo's control Centre is still present and you have to your swipe up from the bottom of the screen to bring up quick settings toggles and recently used apps.
Funtouch OS is a single layered UI so all your app icons are laid out on the homescreens. Due to the taller screen, it is difficult to reach all corners withouth shuffling your hands about. Vivo has incorporated a few features to help,like one-handed mode and gestures.
The UI also has something called smart split 3.0,which lets you use two apps at the same time. Incoming messages from compatible apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messanger can be seen on the half of the display so you don't need to exit the application you're currently using. You can force split-screen mode with a three-finger swipe down. The trouble is that it's not very useful as there are only a handful of apps that support this,and Nougat's native split-screen feature isn't supported.
App Clone lets you create two instance of a supported app,so it can be used with your second SIM.
Overall,the interface work smoothly but it's difficult to find what your looking for at first,especially also use some refinement as certain pop-up messages and menus don't have proper alighment or useful description.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Vivo V7+ specifications and Features
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